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Old 09-23-2006, 07:03 AM   #7
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Originally Posted by khardy57
There hasn't been a survey on this property since the early 60's and all the metal pins are gone (2 guesses who pulled them up). Because my husband's estate still isn't settled, there has to be a "full" survey which costs more.

Thanks everyone for all your kind words. I'll be OK in the long run, I'm just really stressed out right now because every time I try to settle something, my husband's brother comes up with some BS why it can't be done.

I just hate that he is doing this to you. If you don't mind me does he find out what you're trying to get settled? I would make sure I don't say anything to anyone about what you're doing or need to do. If you're talking with professionals, (surveyor, lawyer, etc) make sure they know they are not to say anything....there is client confidentiality). Wish I could come and help you kick his a$$!! (or there close to it!!!)
To every thing there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven. ECCLESIASTES 3:1
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