Originally Posted by teri88
ahhh, we've had several friends move away over the years and it is just so hard! I hope they can stay.
I'm sorry you've been through this too Teri. I live in a college town so lots of my friends have moved away the past few years. They come here for college, graudate, get married, then find jobs other places and leave. At least now I have friends all over the place! A couple we know lives in Charlotte, we have friends and family in Pittsburgh, friends and family in Florida, a friend in Charleston. It makes vacations easier, but I really miss my friends when they leave. I think this time will be hardest because we do everything with Sarah and Ryan. We are at their house almost as much as our own! LOL. Marty and Madeline will really miss Daisy if they move too. They love going to the park with her and they get SO excited when we get close to their house. It's adorable!
I can't imagine how different our lives would be without them.