Originally Posted by Janet
Diana!!! I want to come live with you! We never have that kind of fun.
Janet, you just have to look for things to create fun. We've raised our kids to have good clean fun and not to worry about getting dirty. Sometimes we appear a little crazy to other people but that's alright. When the kids were little we often had squirt gun fights in the house. After all what does water hurt? Jaci and Lindsay sprayed Pledge on the bottom of their socks and ran and slid down the hallway a while back. They had a blast!!! Have you ever bought 2-3 cans of Silly String, handed them to the guys and said "Meet me outside in 15 seconds" That's a blast!!!! I love Silly String!!!!
Originally Posted by Gina
Diana, you have a beautiful family and everyone seemed to have so much fun.. The pictures reflect it.. 
Thanks so much! We do have a lot of fun and everyone loves to be here because you never know what's going to happen. I think that I have a GREAT family!!!
Judy, I tried to get your post in here too. My husband had a great-grandmother that had auburn hair like Kera's and he has a cousin that has it too. It's so beautiful when the sun shines on it! We were really surprised to have that color show up! Her other grandma has strawberry blonde hair.