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Old 05-23-2008, 05:05 AM   #15
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Originally Posted by Janet View Post
I had another person call after the one lady left. Her and her husband had come to visit the puppies a week or so ago. I was glad they didn't take one so I wouldn't have to turn them down.

Well she called and asked "what is the bottom dollar you'd take for one of them...I mean after all they aren't completely housetrained." I told her that they do very well on the pee pads and going outside...that they are still just babies, but I'm proud of their accomplishments so far. Then I said I didn't think I they'd make a good home for one of my puppies, thanked them for their interest and just hung hup.

I love my puppies and they will only go where I feel they will be loved matter what.
Janet I am so glad you make sure your puppies have a good home. It would be awful to put that much love in to raising them and then have to worry about them when they leave. A lot of breeders don't care as long as they get the money. You are a special lady.
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