Name- Meg
Age- 25
Marital Status- Married 4 years
Kids- None
Pets- One cute yorkie boy named Keeley!
Occupation- I am in Esthetician School!! I love being in the beauty industry.
Fav Food- MEXICAN!!!
Fav Restaurant- The Cheesecake Factory
Fav Vacation Spot- Hawaii
Something interesting about you- I drink way too much diet coke. I like seeing movies alone. I love to laugh and I love to cry. I collect elephants and have since I was in 2nd grade. I hate flying, but do it because I love traveling! I worked at Disney World in a college program after highschool.
What would you do if I gave you $1000 right now? I'd buy either a yorkie sister for my yorkie, or take myself on a shopping spree - I'd get Coach bags and new MAC makeup.