Originally Posted by Janet
I personally don't know why, with email and instant message and being able to call that everyone likes texting so much...can you or anyone explain it to me? Maybe it's my old age, but I have no desire to text someone.
Janet, the thing about texting is that you can communicate what you need to without committing to a conversation. Text conversations are short, concise, to the point. You can text when you are places where you cannot talk. Example: My daughters will text me while they are in class to let me know how they did on a big exam.
Texting is another thing that I like about the i-Phone. A keyboard pops up on the touch screen so I don't have to do all the typing from a number pad on a cell phone, and it keeps the conversation in little bubbles on the screen and you can scroll up and down to see the conversation history. Love it!!!
Gina, hope your party went well!!!! I'm sure it was really nice if you had a lot to do with it!! Hope you've had a relaxing day!!
Judy, I ask hubby about laminate flooring. He does not recommend Pergo. He said that there are some new laminates out that look more like wood. The surface is not as shiny as Pergo and is more of a matt finish. These new laminates hold up better and are easier to clean. It's not a hard to install yourself if you have the desire to do so. Hubby does not recommend installing it in the kitchen because it does not hold up well in areas where it gets wet a lot.
BTW, WW works well, or at least it did for me. I think part of the reason is that if I'm paying for it, I'm going to make it work.

I need to start going again or working out or something. When I was doing WW, I was working out and going to the meetings and counting points, and being strict with myself. Just hard to get back in the groove.