Originally Posted by teri88
awww Janet, if ever I could get another dog I'd want one from you! It's not just a money making business for you, you truly love those pups! Sideways was so adorable, they are a very lucky couple to get her!
Teri, I do have to tell you that I make VERY LITTLE money from my puppies. Oh it sounds like it, but all the money goes right back into the dogs. Last month I spent almost $1000 to have all their teeth cleaned. It's never ending with care and supplies.
I breed mostly because I love this breed and it is wonderful when I find a truly great home and the people are so excited and loving.
I'll have to get rich doing something else, but doubt if I would enjoy it nearly as much. I really do love it although at times I do ask myself WTH?????LOLOLOL