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Old 06-13-2008, 10:10 AM   #1
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What does this mean?

Hi guys. I'm a member over at YT. This is my first post here. Alright, so I'm a little out of the loop when it comes to meanings etc. A little help please. A friend of mine had a very involved affair that last years. They became very involved and she really fell head over for him and although he never said he loved her she was pretty certain he did.

Last year he ended it telling her it was too painful etc. Anyway, they still remained close but not intimate. This was beyond a sexual relationship. It was very emotional relationship for both of them and because of that it was hard for either of them to fully break ties. Although they should have, neither were able to and so they kept in touch but have not been "sexually" involved now for a good year.

Yesterday, in conversation they spoke about seeing each other for a drink. maybe, getting back together etc. And she felt he was trying to tell her something but didn't know how to. He has a very hard time letting his feelings show or telling someone how he feels. And, so he finally said to her awkwardly "I like you. No I more then like you." Now keep in mind that they were way past like. LOL. So was this his way of telling her he loved her?

These are not young kids.
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