Thread: favoritism
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Old 09-26-2006, 11:07 AM   #2
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My daughter is from my first marriage. My current in-laws loved her dearly...until I had their grandson. It was a difference between night and day. They were horrible to her. Taking things away from her to give them to my son. I finally put my foot down that if they didn't stop treating her that way...("What way?") she wouldn't be coming to their house anymore. Well, that was a couple of years ago. She MAY go to their house about 5 times a year now and only if I'm there. They are such assholes to her.

Now, my mom prefers my daughter over my son. She says that he gets all of the attention in the world from the in-laws so she's trying to make up for it by favoring her. Don't get me wrong, she loves my son but she and my daughter have a VERY special love and connection.
"If you can read this, thank a teacher and since it's in English, thank a soldier"
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