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Old 09-26-2006, 03:56 PM   #8
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Well, so far so good. The surveyor went out today and said that ALL the property line markers had been removed! (Just like I said) He also said the well IS on my property and I'm set to close on the sale of my house Tursday if everything goes as planned. Keep your fingers crossed! The sooner this is done the sooner I can cut ties with my husband's family and then maybe I can sleep at night. My BIL is telling people that I cussed out the real estate company (not true) and that I won't be able to sell the house because he owns the pasture in front of it.

Well, the guy buying it doesn't care about the pasture and loves the house. I told my real estate agent to keep this quiet and not put a sign out that it's under contract. She knows the situation and agreed. My BIL is going to s*** bricks when he finds out it's sold I can only hope it gives him hemorrhoids!!!
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