Originally Posted by teri88
I wouldn't really want to go back to those days. Life was much harder, there were less choices for women and I suspect if we figured out what minimum wage was back then, those prices wouldn't look so good after all. Wouldn't it be cool to make what we make today and pay those prices? Now THAT I'd sign up for! 
Even with the lower wages and prices people still made good honest livings. I wish that we could have those days come back. Good clean living.
We still have some of that here in our small community. We have community cookouts on the "square" and an occasional ice cream social. At Homecoming you can let your kids run with other kids and not worry about them and we have a bean feed for anyone who wants to come.
Homecoming is our home town fair and everyone who's gone to school here tries to come back for class reunions (where they get to ride on a float in the parade). Our parade includes the police cars, the fire trucks, a few old convertibles with the mayor and other hometown politicians, kids on bicycles (and tricycles!), old tractors, new tractors, people riding horses, and of course, the street sweeper!!!! The cheerleaders and Pom Poms perform and the bank sponsors children's games, like digging through a stack of hay for money and candy. Oh, and we have turtle races!!!!