Originally Posted by Tink
I slept in, and got up just before someone came to look at Canada. I ended up re-homing her. I love her, but she's so bent out of shape about Bella having pups and was so overly attached to me that I had to have a babysitter watch her when I couldn't take her with me or she'd destroy the house. It was worse than having a baby 'cause I can't take her everywhere I go so felt like I was grounded to the house by her.
Lucky for me, Katie and Josh had things under control, so they'd taken care of all the dogs, cleaned and refilled their dishes, pools, and pens, had strung the smaller mesh wire inside the empty run (so the pups couldn't squeeze out) and put Bella and her litter outside. While I met with the visitors, they pulled the birthing pool out of my office, and rearranged it to get all their stuff that had been stored in my living room out into the office. It looks MUCH better here now.
I already miss Canada but know she will get a lot more individual attention with her new owner than I could give her. I'm sure she will be happy and settle right in.
I'm sorry you rehomed Canada. I honestly don't think that is something I could ever do. I put too much human emotion on the dogs and I would be afraid they would wonder where I was, or if I was going to come get them. It would just break my heart.
I know breeders have to do that, but it's just not in me to rehome a family member. Now if it was my husband....well....LOLOLOL.