Thread: WOW slow today.
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Old 06-18-2008, 05:54 PM   #6
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Janet, if I hadn't had a really good feeling about the woman who took her I'd have not been able to let her go. Shortly after she got home with her, she sent me the following email... gives you some idea of the kind of lady she is.

Hello Brenda! Canada traveled so well in the van! Stopped at Fleet Farm & got a choke style collar in nylon and a harness and she is so respectful. She pulled on me a bit when we got here, but not anything more than I could handle at all! What a sweetie! She sat on Sabrina's lap in the passenger seat all the way home and just payed attention to me enough to give a few kisses, then it was back to the lap and watching out the window. Got her a pink bandana which looks FABULOUS! She is checking out the house now and farting like crazy! We'll be headed out to poop soon I think! whew!!!! There, now she's laying by my feet while I type and settled right in. I love her! Gonna tackle a bath tonight...hmmm. Should be interesting...

Thank you so much!

Susan & Canada
She sat right on the ground and let Canada sit in her lap while here. She asked all the right questions and told me her family used to raise Labs when she was growing up. So she's not at all afraid to get down to Canada's level and be her playmate. She watched Canada interact with everyone and made appropriate evaluations as to what was going on, which pups were the alpha ones, and so on.
She knows her dogs and Labs in particular. I felt very at ease with her approach.
Canada seemed to as well.

Doesn't mean it was easy, but I'm convinced it was the right thing to do for us both.
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England 's Prime Minister Tony Blair'
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