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Old 06-20-2008, 07:11 AM   #7
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Very funny! I love Dave Barry. I've had a few colonsocopies because my mom and my aunt both died of colon cancer. Thank God my Dr. says I'm "clean as a whistle".....for those of you who just CAN NOT drink the liquid they do make pills now. I've done both. I think the pills were worse! There are seven million of them and each one is the size of my pinky! And you have to drink so much water with them. Yuck! My pharmacy offered different flavors of the Go Lightly (false advertising if I've ever heard it). So, the liquid tastes like flavored chalk! It is an important test to have though. If my mom had been having them she would be alive today!

Of course I'm in shape. Isn't round a shape?
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