Thread: I'm So Old!!!
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Old 07-10-2008, 05:26 PM   #11
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Originally Posted by Janet View Post
It's starting to look nice Haley, but I still have a lot of work to do and I would like to get some new flooring, just not sure what I want yet. I took some ibuprophen and it has helped some. Well, I'd better get back to shampooing.
Janet, you mentioned new flooring. We're getting rid of most of our carpet on the first floor of our home. The area around the living room is ceramic tile, so we are going with tile in the living room. We were thinking of laminate in the bedroom, a type by Armstrong that I mentioned to Judy in an earlier thread, then we looked at something else new. Don't go yuck, when I tell you. It's vinyl plank flooring. The flooring store we use has it down in their entry and the walkway to their office. It looks so much like wood that my hubby the custom builder was fooled. It really looks like wood. The pieces of vinyl are in planks with texture and color like wood. They are even contoured on the edges so that when it is laid, it looks like wooden planks. It's less expensive than laminate, more durable and does not have a hollow sound when you walk on it.

Here are a couple of links to some information on it:

Here are some pictures:
and a video about one manufacturer's product:

Just though you and others might be interested. When I mentioned it to some friends and family they could not believe I was actually considering vinyl in our bedroom. They just don't understand what the product looks like. I think I might still put an area rug under the bed or at least a runner down each side. I'm tired of our pets having accidents on the carpet and having to steam clean so often. Think we will do the tile first in the living area and then decide for sure about the bedroom.
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