Just opened our electric bill. It's $421.51 this month!!!

We used 2424 KWH's. This is not the most we have ever used, but our rate has gone up significantly. We were paying $0.12/KWH a year ago after we changed providers to save money. Our current rate is $0.167/KWH!!!!
There is a website we can go to here to compare rates offered by the various suppliers available to us
www.powertochoose.org, so I got online and the rates vary, but we are on the lower end. Many companies are at $0.17 up to over $0.20/KWH.
I guess as gasoline goes up so do other types of energy. It probably costs more to get the coal to the coal power plants, and other power plants in the area use natural gas which is also getting higher.
Time to evaluate our thermostat settings again. It's supposed to be 101 deg in Austin this weekend. It will be a little cooler where be are, but not much.