You Know You're a Dog Person When . . .
You have a kid's wading pool in the yard, but no small children.
I have 4... one in each run
You have baby gates installed at strategic places around the
house, but no babies - just dogs. Guilty as charged
The garbage can is permanently installed under the kitchen sink
to keep the dog(s) out of it while you're not home OR it has a lock!
It's in a closet
You can't see out the passenger side window of your car because there are slobber marks all over the inside.
I've been using a dog seat belt harness, so this one I can say no to.
Pooper scooping has become a source of conversation for you and your significant other at the end of a day.
He actually helps me do it.
You have 12 different names for your dog - most make no sense to humans, but the dog ALWAYS understands you.
Yepper, it's true.
Your dog eats poop sometimes, but you still let them kiss you
[ just not immediately afterward of course! ]
You sign and send greeting cards from you and the dog(s).
Only to certain people.
You put an extra pillow/blanket on your bed so the dog(s) can be more comfortable. In the winter, a heated mattress pad.
No, they sleep on the floor. My dogs are LARGE!
You'd rather stay home on Sat night and watch a rented DVD and
cuddle your dog(s) than go out to the real movies.
I can't remember the last movie we "went to".
You don't think it's the least bit strange to stand in the backyard while it's raining because your dog needs to go out during a storm.
You have your dog's picture(s) on your office desk.
I have them as my desktop wallpaper
Your parents refer to your dog(s) as their granddog(s).
Only when we have puppies... Mom refers to them as her grandbabies.
You keep an endless supply of sticky hair removal rollers on hand for dog fur - every room of the house, in the cars & at the office!
Yep, there's usually one within arms reach.
'A simple way to take measure of a country is to look at how many want in.. And how many want out.'
England 's Prime Minister Tony Blair'