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Old 07-17-2008, 06:59 PM   #33
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I don't know if I should go with my gut feeling, or if my gut feeling is just nerves.
The recruiter tried calling me at work again and left a message to tell him how the interview went. I think I will write him an email tonight instead of leaving work early as I have been doing all week to speak with him and the guy who interviewed me. I actually have work to do at my job and I don't want to put it on hold anymore just for these people.
The direction this company leans towards is the area I have absolutely no experience in. If it were something like land usage and environmental studies, I would be all over that. I guess working at my current job I've really gained an appreciation of the environmental side of things and I think I'd like to stick there. I LIKE DIRT. I don't care so much about pipes and manholes and sewers and all that stuff. My interest lies in soil
And on top of that, I am great at what I do. I don't mean to sound concieted, but I am really really good at drafting. I pick up computer programs so quickly, and I can easily imagine 3D structures and build 3d models on a screen. It's not something everyone is good at. And I wonder if it was just coincidence or fate that today was chosen to have a spur of the moment meeting at work to let me and my coworker know that we're doing a great job and we're very appreciated. It made me feel so good about what I do for the company.
And finally, my trip to NYC is something I've wanted to do for almost 10 years. We have basically been planning this trip for 10 years! In BC, there are only 2 weeks of holidays a year, and I definitely wouldn't get paid holidays after only a few months of work. I would need to take about a week and a half unpaid vacation, and there would definitely be no way I'd make it home for Christmas. If I stuck it out at my current job until at least after NYC, I'd keep my paid vacation time, plus almost 2 weeks off for Christmas when my office shuts down.
When I talked to my dad tonight he thought it might be a better idea to think it through a little more and apply for jobs later. Just in my one search tonight I found offices throughout BC and Alberta wanting civil technologists to draft. That's where my specialty lies. I'm very nervous about going a totally different direction. Right now drafters are in high demand almost everywhere and I don't think that trend is going to stop anytime soon.
Okay well that was a very long and drawn out ramble. I think I just needed to get that all out If anyone has the patience to read it all, let me know what you think.

"I don't mind living in a man's world as long as I can be a woman in it..." -Marilyn Monroe
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