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Old 07-22-2008, 03:06 AM   #18
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Originally Posted by Marilyn View Post
Spiders don't bother me unless they are crawling on me. That freaks me out!!! We have huge spiders here in the spring time that make large webs overnight. The spider itself is black and yellow and sits in the middle of the web waiting of a bug to light. We call them "writing spiders" because they make a heavy zigzag pattern in their web usually near the center, like it's their signature or something. They will stay for several days if their web is not disturbed, and they catch lots of bugs. We leave them alone unless they decide to make a web over the front door or something. I've gone to leave in the morning and there was a spider web across my path.

Melissa had one on the canopy of the RV she was living in and she enjoyed her pet until someone did her a favor and removed the web while she was in class one day. They, too, are interesting to watch.

May have to catch me a Black Widow, Diana, but hubby would probably have a fit!!
Maryilyn, we have those spiders here in pa but we call them banana spiders, you find them in your garden they like to make there webs around the corn, i remember as a child running thru the garden and i ran right thru one of there webs and that spider was smack on my face... i flipped out....
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