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Old 09-06-2006, 05:14 PM   #13
Sherry Lynn
Senior Member
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Join Date: Sep 2006
Location: Jersey
Posts: 211
Name-Sherry Lynn

Age-I was 47 last month

Marital Status-Been with Hubby for 20 years and celebrate 15th Anniversary this month


Pets-Five total - I have 2 geriatric Shelties, a 5 yr old Eskie and 2 Yorks under 2 yrs old.

Occupation-Usually an Executive Admin, but I haven't worked since I had a neck injury last November.

Fav Food-Seafood in general... shellfish in particular... also veggies!

Fav Restaurant-The Spice Market in NYC

Fav Vacation Spot-We go to all-inclusives in the caribbean for the winter... summer vaca varies

Something interesting about you-I was born in SC and that has always been 'home', but I was raised military so I've lived all over the place... SC, NC, MD, NY, PA, MA, FL, NJ and Turkey. I've been in Jersey almost 20 years now, but for some reason I still consider myself Southern...

What would you do if I gave you $1000 right now? Spend it at the Biewer-Fest in Orlando this October
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