Originally Posted by DianaB
Janet, I'm sorry to hear that you're in pain from painting. I can certainly understand the back ache and knee pain that comes from doing stuff. I just recommend taking ibuprophen while you're painting and afterwards. Also a long hot bath is required!!!!! I bet that everything looks really nice and you'll be thrilled when you're done with it!!!
I've been taking it Diana, but it really hasn't helped a whole lot. I'm almost done so I'll be fine I'm sure. I plan on painting the family room tomorrow and maybe...MAYBE the hall on Sunday. Ricky had accidently put the toe of his boot through the wall going out the door in the family room, so I had to repair the drywall there. It wasn't very big, but it was time consuming...wait for it to dry....sand it down...apply more mud....let it dry....sand it down.
Monday I have to go register Ricky for school, Wednesday take Mom to the heart Dr. so on the off days, I can put everything back where it belongs.