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Old 08-04-2008, 02:02 AM   #17
Donating 4WT 18K Club Member
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Originally Posted by scrapindee View Post
I must spend 20 hours per dog trying to find the "right" home....congrats on finding the perfect for "sideways"--what a great name. When I get to the S's on the Biewers I will have to remember the name. Thanks.
Hi Dee! It's me Yorkie3 from YT. Didn't know if you knew that or My son called her Sideways because she would get so excited to see us (even at 4-5 weeks) that when she came to us she would get so confused as to which end was suppose to lead and would end up coming to us sideways. After a couple weeks she got the hang of it

Just rec'd an email from you about the two you have left. I would still love to have a Biewer, but it will probably be a year or two yet. Yours are so beautiful!

Oh and so glad you've made it to 4WT. This is really and truly the greatest site with the best woman anywhere on the web. Honestly don't know what I'd do without them.
To every thing there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven. ECCLESIASTES 3:1
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