I never mentioned it to y'all but some very dear friends of ours have a baby in ICU in San Antonio. We had a baby shower scheduled for the mom in mid-May, but she did not make it. A few days before the shower at about 7.5 months, she felt a bad pain and went to the emergency room. The baby was in distress and they were going to life flight her to San Antonio to deliver the baby there for emergency surgery. Her water broke here in emergency before they left so she delivered here and they flew the baby to San Antonio. The father drove to SA and the mom followed the next day. The baby had a blocked intestine and they had to remove a large portion of it. He had a colostomy bag and has had many ups and downs since May. The did surgery recently to reconnect his intestines with the hope that he can soon be transferred to a hospital here at home. He's a beautiful baby, named Luke. They already have two young children and the parents are taking turns driving every day to San Antonio. It's about a 2 hour drive each way. They are a wonderful family. The father and grandfather are both deacons at our church congregation. People have been helping them with money for gas and food. We are all wondering what the medical bill will finally be.
So please pray, too, that Luke will be able to be here soon with his family at home, not just in a hospital here.
Not hijacking the thread, but there are two little babies to pray for.
Marilyn  If anyone would like a free Bible Study CD or book entitled "Searching for Truth", PM me with your mailing address and I'll send you one. "And you shall know the truth and the truth shall set you free." John 8:32