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Old 08-04-2008, 08:53 PM   #1
Taurus Babe
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Exclamation Yorkie Search leaving me nervous!!!

Hi guys! I'm on the hunt for a yorkie and it is very most of you may know that feeling! I want to do it all right. I've filled out a few applications and I'm so nervous. I just hope one breeder inparticular likes me. I would be so honored is she chose me as a owner for her pet. She is close to me (5 hours) which is a bonus and something I was really hoping to find. She is and amazing breeder, has the most beautiful puppies, and has raving reviews!
I want a pup so bad from her, and I'm so nervous waiting to hear back. I have no idea how long it takes. I keep thinking, 'oh maybe I should have answered this question differently, or done this, or this'. One question of my answers imparticular, was to the question 'do you have and questions for me?' and I said not at this time. I do have a ton of questions, and I kinda thought I should save them for after she accepts me and if she declines me, then there's not need to ask, but I'm worried she won't think I have questions for her and count me out as a prospective owner.

OMG it's just a million things going through my head right now. Do you guys know what I'm talking about here? Your experiences with this...or advice? Thanks...
Taurus Babe aka Thorsmomma
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