Originally Posted by hle_625
Thank you so much for your response you have hit alot of things right on! This girl does not, and I repeat does not take care of her child that she has now, she just wants someone to take care of her and her baby and unfortunatly my BIL got trapped into this! All my inlaws do is talk constantly about this baby and I understand that they are excited but I have had enough of it! Amber is going to let anyone and everyone in that birthing room when this baby is born, infact my sister in law is going to cut the babies cord so....they all keep saying to me that when I have a baby they all better get to be in my birthing room too. So its put alot of pressure on my part! And I dont even have kids yet. And my mother in law got to go to the first ultrasound and you are only allowed to have 2 people in there. So it was Kevin (my brother in law) and my mother in law in there bc her mom couldnt attend. So the first thing my mother in law said to me was I better get to go to your ultrasound when you have a baby! Well what about my mom??? She will want to be there. I could go on and on but I will stop boring you guys!
I dont think they will be together for much longer, shes already left him twice and came back. She doesnt know what she wants!
Oh Heather, the more I hear of this, the more my heart aches for you and what you are going through. First of all, pregnancy is a special bond between husband and wife (or father and mother, if not married) and their unborn child. The baby will be shared with the entire family when he/she is born but before then, the pregnancy, in my opinion, is shared between the happy couple. When I had TJ, I never gave it one thought about asking my MIL to go with us (my mom lived 3 hours away at the time) - it was just hubby and I. The day I was being put in the hospital to have labor induced with him, my MIL called wanting to check on me and I told a white lie and said I was fine (was actually waiting on hubby to get home so we could go to the hospital). And when delivery time came - I wanted no one in there but Sam. Now, before things got down to the "nitty gritty" of delivery, my mom was in there, my MIL was in there, and other family and friends were coming in but when it got to the actual delivery, I wanted everyone out - to me, the birth of a child is a special bond between the parents - at least that's my opinion on the matter. And when you decide the time is right to have kids, lay the ground rules down - you and your husband will go to your doctor visits and ultrasound visits only unless he can't go and you ask someone else to go. As for labor time, if the hospital allows it, you can have as many in the room with you while you are progressing through labor but, a piece of advice, let your doctor and the staff at the hospital know ahead of time that you only want your husband in there with you - they'll be the "bad guys" and run everyone out

Just stick to your "guns" and don't let anyone try to push you in a direction you aren't comfortable with, be that associating with Amber or having a child of your own! And if you need me to come kick some butt, just say the word!