I have an appointment tomorrow to go look at a couple of Lab dams.
They're 3 yr olds, have had eyes, hips, and elbows certified, are DNA tested, and are AKC registered with very respectable bloodlines. If their temperaments are as good as what I know of them so far, they're exactly what I need.
Quite frankly, I'm getting frustrated with looking at dogs. lol Not that I don't enjoy meeting people and playing with dogs, but there's usually a long drive to and from, explaining my program and waiting to see if they're receptive or will chew me out for breeding hybrids

and of course finding a way to politely turn down the ones that just don't strike me as good enough to reproduce!
So please cross your fingers that these 2 are what I'm hoping for. I'd love not to have to go dog shopping anymore for a while!