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Old 08-21-2008, 01:38 PM   #7
Donating 4WT 18K Club Member
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There is really nothing here in Frankfort. We have a railroad and a Roundhouse (where they turn the railroad cars around to head another direction...very very primative), we have a couple motels, town square, Wal Mart, nice schools, John Deere Implement and a couple other implement're a farming community. Nothing unusual to have combines or tractors driving through town or even being driven to the store. Couldn't find any really good pictures to link to. I'll keep trying though. Oh we do have a few festivals in our county, such as the Hotdog Festival, Kirk's Crossing in Kirklin, Summer's End Festival in Rossville (this weekend), and also this weekend is the first festival for this little burg of a place (sneeze and you miss it) called Jefferson.
To every thing there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven. ECCLESIASTES 3:1
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