Would like to read what your advice would be:
My 32-yr old daughter married for 9 years, has begun to make noises about possibly having a baby. She met with her neurologist about this and was told that she would need to taper off on the med that she takes to control seizure. This would be a three month period. At the same time she would also be coming off of birth control and is not to attempt to get pregnant for three months so that all excess meds can be out of her system save for the new lower dose of seizure med.
She was told about possible birth defects of either spinal bifida or heart problem. She will more prone to morning sickness (which she freaks out if she even thinks she might throw up), and the possibility of premature birth. She would be under a specialist gynocologist. There's always the chance that she may have a seizure during the pregnancy.
I have the one child. I am just dying to be a grandmother but do not want to have my daughter harmed in anyway due to the pregnancy. I've mentioned to her and for her to also talk it over with her husband that they may want to consider a surrogate. Do any of you know anything about surrogacy? What would be your advice if this was your child? Thanks.
Last edited by Happy2BMe; 08-28-2008 at 01:07 PM.