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Old 08-28-2008, 07:22 PM   #37
Donating 4WT 2000 Club Member
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We had a very good visit with the doctors in Houston. They say that he is a very good candidate for the procedure, and that he should respond well. He has to have some tests and imaging done before they actually do the procedure, and we elected to have this done here in our hometown. The insurance has not given authorization, yet, and had he done some of the tests and imaging today in Houston, there was a chance that without preauthorization, they could deny the claim. The testing and imaging could be very expensive.

He is scheduled for the procedure on September 10th. It will take 5 to 8 hours to complete, and he will have to stay for a day or two in the hospital.

Without the procedure, he would most likely have more incidents of A-fib on an increasing frequency until the condition no longer responds to treatment and becomes permanent, so this procedure offers up to a 90% chance of a future without incidents of A-fib.

We are praying for his comfort during the procedure, and of course, for a successful outcome.
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