Thread: Camper
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Old 08-31-2008, 07:30 AM   #6
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Hi Janet,
We take both long trips and also short weekend trips in our camper. This summer we went to New Mexico for 3 weeks and our 12 year old granddaughter joined us for one of those weeks. Yes, our little 18 footer is very cozy for my hubby and I and our two Yorkies (and was VERY cozy with our granddaughter). But in terms of my being able to handle it on the road, negotiate into parking lots and park it, set it up, break it down, it is perfect for us. Yes, we wish it were a little bigger, but for what we "need" it is perfect.

This summer we started out at a family reunion in Oklahoma, then drove to western New Mexico, near Gallup. We camped at El Morro for a few days and then went to Albuquerque, Red River, Santa Fe, Ruidoso, Carlsbad, and then into to Texas to Big Bend, and then on home to central Texas. The little camper was a dream to drive.

Sometimes when we just need to get out of the city, we'll go to a state park only 30 miles from our house. We love (and so do the dogs) to be out in the country. Since I teach school, we can't do any more than a weekend here and there during the year. But we usually go somewhere close to home for the week between Christmas and New Years. This is actually the best time to camp in central Texas - the winters are so mild, it is wonderful. We don't do much camping in the summer in Texas, it is just too hot.

Janet, like you, we started out tent camping, for many many years. Then we bought a pop-up pull behind trailer. Then we got the fifth wheel, and now we are back to the baby 18 footer. I just love being in RV parks, next to a river, or in a forest - there's just nothing better!!

We never considered a motor home due to the maintenance of the engine. My husband can work on cars but doesn't like to and now is really unable to do that sort of work. Yes, the insurance on a motor home is much more than on a travel trailer. I think we pay about $250 per year for insurance.

Your post mentions a 30 foot travel trailer. That will be pretty heavy - do you have a tow vehicle that has enough towing capacity to pull it? It is very important that your tow vehicle can handle the load. Here is a site that I visit frequently with my travel trailer questions. It has lots of great information on how heavy a trailer you can tow with your tow vehicle. You have to remember that it is not just the weight of the trailer, but that combined with all the stuff you will put in it, e.g., pot, pans, clothes, fresh water in the tank, you and your husband/son in the tow vehicle. It really adds up when you start getting ready go to.

Good luck with your search - I just don't think there is anything better than RVing!!!
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