Thread: 26.5" Redfish
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Old 10-02-2006, 06:11 PM   #7
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Thank you for all of your kind comments. It was a fighter. The strange thing was, I'd been up since 4:30 a.m. and it was around 2:30 p.m. I'd stopped fishing and figured I'd bait hooks for the guys. I looked in the bait bucket, and there was this dead stinky shrimp. The shell was turning pink it had been in the water in the sun for so long, so I got my rod and baited my hook and figured I'd throw it out and see if a hard head hit it. I had my rod laying across my lap when the redfish hit. I grabbed the rod and told the guys, I got something, and it's big. It was fun working it up to the boat and even better when we saw what it was. Quite a thrill.

My husband doesn't care much about fishing, but after telling him about this, he's thinking we may invite a couple that we know to go fishing with us. The guy grew up here, but he's never been fishing, and his wife is from Russia and hasn't fished in years. Anyway we know of another guide I'd like to test out before using him with customers, so we may hire him for a day and take this couple out. Now that would be a lot of fun.
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