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Old 09-21-2008, 03:46 AM   #1
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So tired, can't sleep

Hey everyone... for those of you who have been around for awhile, you may remember I had a friend in college who secretly dated my roommate, and would come over nightly and they'd do their thing loudly and keep me awake. WELL I think I've come to the conclusion that I need to either live alone or have celibate roommates.
Tonight I was visiting my parents and my grandma, then I came home and went to bed early because I haven't been feeling well for the past couple of weeks. My brother I think must have come home at some point from the bar, but I didn't hear him come in. My roommate was out tonight too and I didn't hear her come in. But I did hear her AFTER she came in, with whatever guy she decided to bring home from the bar, being VERY VERY LOUD on the other side of my bedroom wall. I coughed loudly so they'd know I was awake, but either they didn't hear, or they chose to ignore it. When they were done, he immediately got up, got dressed, and asked if the door was locked. She went down and fiddled with the lock, and I thought he was leaving. The door didn't open and close. And then I heard a guy coughing downstairs....... so it looks like she just randomly hooked up with one of my brother's friends and is trying to pretend like nothing happened, like he was just sleeping on the couch downstairs all night.
Anyways, it's almost 6 now, the time I'm supposed to get up, and I have not slept a WINK since 2 am. Oh everyone else is sleeping nice and peacefully, have been for hours, but I just feel so awkward and uncomfortable. And then after being woke up like that I keep looking at the clock and panicking because I know I NEED to sleep because I need to wake up soon.
Am I overreacting? She has the right to do whatever she feels like doing in her life, but I just think it's so rude to be so LOUD about it when there are other people in the house... or to even have to do that at all with other people in the house!!!!!!
I'm just so angry and upset right now I'm crying. My body is so tired I feel sick to my stomach but my mind just won't stop panicking about how screwed up my day is going to be now because I haven't slept.
All I keep thinking is how badly I want to just get out of this place.

"I don't mind living in a man's world as long as I can be a woman in it..." -Marilyn Monroe
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