Thanks Gayle. It really is hard living with other people, especially in this case when we've been friends since we were about 8 years old. It really hasn't made our friendship stronger, that's for sure.
I haven't talked to her about this stuff, because it hasn't really been that bad. She had a boyfriend about a year ago and it happened quite a bit then, but they broke up after about a month, and since then she's never brought random guys HERE but she has went home with them. I know when she was in college she was... well I don't want to use names... she had a LOT of male friends. Like high double digits. And she always insists she has changed since then, but I think all that's changed is that she doesn't talk about it with everyone anymore. For goodness sakes, last night this guy got up literally a second after they were done, put on his clothes, and walked out of her room. Does that not make her feel like dirt??? I couldn't IMAGINE doing that over and over and over.
I wish I didn't have to deal with it. I lived by myself for a year and it was the best. In this city I can't afford it.
"I don't mind living in a man's world as long as I can be a woman in it..." -Marilyn Monroe