Originally Posted by Janet
The rock bed looks great too. I don't think I've ever seen a rock bed before, I like the items you added to it. You have excellent taste.
Rock beds are pretty common here - even moreso in New Mexico. In fact, in many towns in New Mexico the entire front yard is a rock bed - it would take too much water to keep grass alive because they only get a few inches of rain per year. I think they are beautiful and I would love to have the whole front yard in rock - but it's pretty expensive. The rock for that bed you see in the pix was about $100 and it is only about 2 inches deep (maybe even less in places). So, I'll have to wait for my "whole yard" rock bed.
I just hate wasting water on keeping my thirsty St. Augustine lawn green - but you know what, my daughter's neighbor took out her grass and put her whole front yard in rock and the neighborhood association made her take it out and put the grass back. Such a waste of water!!! So, since I probably won't ever have a whole yard rock bed, I'll just keep chipping away by adding things that don't need to be watered like the rock bed and flagstone walkway.
My hubby and I had such a good time shopping for all those "critters" in the rock bed. We drove all over looking at metal art, finding just the right pieces for the bed. I don't think you can see it, but there is a large metal horned frog (horny toad, for those of you in the south) and then a small clay horny toad sitting on a rock. Horny toads are almost extinct and they used to be everywhere. I think it may be the pesticides and the fire ants that have killed them off.