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Old 09-21-2008, 02:25 PM   #9
Donating 4WT Talker
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Join Date: Sep 2006
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lol oh Janet... I wish you and my roommate could trade places, I think you'd be a lot more fun to live with!!!
Well I couldn't make it through the whole day... I went shopping with my mom while my dad was fixing my grandma's steps today, and I almost passed out in the store. I got back to my grandma's and crashed hard for about 2 hours, and I woke up just in time for my parents to be leaving
I just got home and my roommate left a message on my facebook saying she's sooooooooooo sorry if they woke me up last night, but she was just really drunk. And as I'm reading that message, she's sitting in the living room, loudly talking on the phone and bragging about this guy. It turns out he's actually a much older guy from the little village beside our hometown. MUCH older, I'm assuming, because I don't even recognize his name and I'm older than she is.
Anyways, as she's bragging about how she ran into him in the bar and she barely recognized him but he knew her name and he actually wanted to come home with her, and neither of them ever thought that would happen, etc, I'm thinking to myself "He came in, had sex with you very loudly for a couple of minutes, and IMMEDIATELY got up, got dressed, and asked if the door was locked because he wanted to leave. No rest, no talking, just sex and leave. Is that really something to brag about? Do you realize how badly you just got used? Doesn't that even bother you???" But apparently not.
I'm really thirsty but as soon as I open my door she's right there, so I'm cooping myself in my room until she's not out there anymore. I just really am too tired and frustrated to face her.

"I don't mind living in a man's world as long as I can be a woman in it..." -Marilyn Monroe
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