Lindsey, I know just how you feel. I had an aweful roommate who's boyfriend moved in & practically forced me to hole up in my room the whole time. It was a miserable year. It happened to be the year I met my husband which was a major help because I'd go see him every other weekend. On the way home from his place though I'd have panic attacks & cry because I didn't want to go back & didn't know what to do. I know now I should have stood up for myself & put my foot down early on, but I know that's a lot easier said then done.
I also know how you feel about the sleep thing. I get that way too, I look at the clock every few minutes & sigh if I could get to sleep right now I'd still get 3 hours & 20 minutes. And the more you think about it, the more you can't sleep. Well this happens try getting up & doing something else. Read a book, do laundry, clean. Anything to get your mind off not sleeping & then when you feel tired go to sleep. Don't make it such a big deal. Again easier said then done. If it were me & she woke me up I'd probably turn on my radio really loud while I did something. Maybe she'd get the hint & be more respectful in the future.
I also think you should try & talk to your roommate. It sounds like she has self esteem issues & likes the attention she gets from men. I think she needs someone to help her realize she's worth more than that.