Thread: Burglarized
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Old 09-23-2008, 06:24 AM   #1
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Last night Layla was barking a few times, but she usually barks at night at anyone who walks by, so I ignore it. I ignored it again last night. This morning as I was getting ready for work, my brother called and said "There's a ladder in front of our deck. Are our barbeques still there? Is my mini bike still there?" I went out and looked, and the only thing missing was his mini bike (pocket bike). I had to hurry to work, but he's there now. He said that some of the boards on the deck are broken, like they tried to get the bike out that way instead of lifting it overtop.
The really scary thing is... our sliding glass doors to the house are NEVER locked, and last night was no exception. I think Layla might have scared them off when she was barking... not scared of her, but scared that she was waking someone up. They definitely thought it through, to bring a chair, upside-down 5 gallon pail, and a ladder to get up there. Especially on our busy street.
I just feel so vulnerable now.

"I don't mind living in a man's world as long as I can be a woman in it..." -Marilyn Monroe
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