I am so glad too! Thank God for Layla! She might not be that intimidating, but I really think that's what kept them from taking more. We have two barbeques right there!
Anyways, my roommate's parents are coming in this weekend, and her mom said she will try to find us some kind of locking thing for sliding doors that is even better than the ones they come with.
My brother said he's going to buy another mini bike and sleep on the couch lol
I think Layla was really trying to wake me up last night because she was being BAD. On top of the barking and running around, she took one of her bows from my night stand, broke the barette on the back, and took a peice of the metal into my room and threw it around the floor. I got up and took it from her and went back to sleep... I was tired, and I'd deal with it in the morning. On a regular day I would have gotten up to find where the rest of the bow was. It was under the kitchen table, right beside the living room where the deck is. She also stole some other stuff from my room that I found under the table this morning. And she pooped right in front of the sliding doors LOL I guess just in case they tried to come in