Dog Behavior
As you know my Gucci is a 4 yr. old Yorkie.. She really is a sweet dog.. But yesterday and it happend a few other times in the past. She had something in her mouth and I went to pull it away and she bit me several times as I was trying to remove it. I know she didn't really mean to she was just trying to not have me snatch it.. I really got mad and yelled at her calling her a bad girl, she went to hide under my chair she knew she did wrong... In the meantime I bled and it still hurts today and I hope its not infected I put anitbodic ointment on it.
Now my question most of you have yorkies how do I stop this behavior? God forbid I have a kid over and the child would pull a toy away I wouldn't trust Gucci.. She basically like I said is good but now I am concerned...
Help any advice is appreciated...
BTW I had a tetanus shot 7 yrs . ago do I need to get another due to bite?