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Old 09-25-2008, 10:21 AM   #1
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Join Date: Sep 2006
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I'm so excited & I just can't hide it

My hubby has an interview for a master scheduler position on Monday. And he's also been in contact with a headhunter for a powerplant position.
The master scheduler job isn't his first choice, but it would be way better than what he's doing currently & he'll finally be out of my family's company which will take some pressure off our relationship. since he can't really talk s*** about his boss cause it's my dad, you know.

However, the power plant job would be his ideal. He went to school for Electrical engineering power (I guess they can specify an area). He had a job at a power plant until my dad offered us jobs up here. We took them, but when we got here things weren't as promised & we've been stuck ever since. My hubby has been working outside his field for the past 5 years & I would be so happy if he could get back into what he really wants to do. He had been talking with the headhunter. The headhunter finally got a hold of one of his references who gave him an awesome recommendation & is passing his resume on to the company. If he gets the powerplant job his salery would be the same as both of ours combined right now. I'm just really excited for him & hope it works out. Please say a little prayer if you will, it always helps.
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