Thread: Big Dogs
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Old 09-26-2008, 08:05 PM   #6
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I too, think the Springer Spaniel is a beautiful dog. Someone gave one to my son-in-law when my granddaughter was young, about 2 I think. They ended up having to give the dog away again because it was too hyper for the 2 year old. It was very smart and followed commands, but its need for exercise, as Tink mentioned, was so high that if not walked and exercised A LOT every day, it got so hyper they couldn't trust it to not knock down the baby accidentally.

Also, I had another friend who had a Springer Spaniel who turned aggressive toward the grandchildren when they arrived. They had to put the dog down because of this. It could not be trusted around young children.

I also agree with Tink that a dog bred to hunt small prey, might not be the best around little Yorkies.

Good luck with your decision!
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