Yes, all yorkies or yorkie mixes. We currently have 2 yorkie poos both are going to forever homes this weekend. We got 1 morkie and one cocker/yorkie today, all the rest are yorkies. Here is the web site. I will update it with all of our new ones this weekend.
It looks like the number is up to 16, now. 10 of them came from the dog auction. There was a group there that dog medical research getting some dogs. We saved as many as we could take. Jen (jencar) was the one that went this time.
Oh yeah, the MO shelter might have 8 not 2. So, we will find out when our first leg of the train gets there.
Here is the website. It is going to take me sometime to get everyones pictures loaded and up. We are also going to have to get everyone to the vet and to the spay/neuter clinic whew....