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Old 09-27-2008, 06:55 AM   #1
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Today Kinda

Last night after the boys left, I cleand the family room carpet. Had a couple good size stains on it (not from the dogs) but no one seems to know how it happened, obviously! I stayed up and watched the presidential debates then part of Grey's that I had taped. I'll watch the rest sometime today.

This morning I got up and when I went to let the dogs out..Penny (golden) had two large diarhea spots...(looked like cowpies they were so big). So I had to use the dustpan to get that picked up so the little ones and Penny could go outside. It was sooo gross I almost got sick. Thank goodness most of it was on a small carpet piece that can just throw away. When I opened the door to Penny's room, she started crying. She doesn't like it when she doesn't feel well and will cry to me, bless her heart.

Anyway, I still don't feel the greatest...darn sinuses, but decided to head to an auction that was only a few miles from me. Nothing there I was really interested in, so came back home. Before I even got out of the car the phone was ringing. It was my Mother. I love my mother, but I wish she would just give me a break. All she wanted was to see how I was feeling, which was nice, but I told her I didn't feel like talking and wanted to go lay down. She just kept going on and on and on. I told her again and she kept on. Finally I was rude and said "didn't you hear what I said...TWICE?" She said yes so she finally hung up. I know I wasn't nice and I'll aplogize later.

Now I have the whole weekend alone, but not feeling the greatest and nothing to do or rather nothing I really feel like doing. Guess I didn't need to go on, so I think I'll just go lie down again. Have I mentioned that I hate having sinus crap??? ...LOL
To every thing there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven. ECCLESIASTES 3:1
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