Awwwww....I'm so sorry Janet! It does SUCK to feel badly, especially when you had plans to have a great weekend! I hope you feel better after your rest.
I'm almost sorry to say that I've had a great weekend so far. I spent last evening with my daughter, mom and granddaughter. We went out to eat and then just sat around and visited the rest of the evening. I rarely get that chance with my daughter. She was in a good mood and so we had a great time just talking about everything.
Today we went out to breakfast together and then went to the farmer's market. We got fresh okra, tomatoes, and 3 kinds of squash for dinner tomorrow. It's my son-in-laws birthday tomorrow and he, hubby, and 12 year old granddaughter will be coming home from their hunting trip tomorrow afternoon and we're going to fix chicken fried steak, mashed potatoes and gravy, fried okra, squash, and tomatoes as a surprise when they get home.
After the farmer's market we went to a shoe store where my mom and daughter wanted to look for shoes. My daughter has a horrible case of plantar's fascitis and cannot step her foot down at any time without wearing her orthotics (not even to go to the bathroom at night). The only shoes she had to wear them in was tennis shoes so she needed some dressier shoes that she could wear with dresses and slacks. She found some and my mom also found a pair of black tie shoes for winter that were really comfortable.
Then we went to the kids shoe store to find some fall shoes for the baby. We found a brown and black pair. I'm the only one who DIDN'T GET SHOES!!!
We all came home to rest a bit and then we're going to do our grocery and target shopping (I sure hope no one steals my cart this time!

So far, I've had a great weekend!