I'll try to keep this short, but I need to explain. This morning I was telling my husband that I keep finding this white pellet stuff (like styrofoam) under van, always in the same spot, but I just kept forgetting to tell him. He said he would check it out this evening, but he had forgotten to tell/ask me something too.
He said right outside the door to the big garage is a 'star.' He said it had been there for about a week...started out as a cross like image and now a star. We went out this morning while it was still dark and I took a few pictures of it. Then when I got home from the bus route I took a couple more in the light.
None of us know how it got there and neither of us has emptied anything there.
Anyway...here are the pics... the first one was early this morning while still dark and the last two after I got home from the route.
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