Thread: Folic Acid
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Old 10-03-2006, 05:42 PM   #10
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Originally Posted by May5
Aaahh....birth control just reminded me....I'm sooooo scared of taking them again They don't make you sick?! Oh, and I usually forget to take my Centrum too.... I leave it next to the sink so that I'll remember to take it in the morning with my water.... but I dunno, mornings are rushed
Well, I'm now 23 and I've been taking birth control pills since I was 15, so I'm very used to them now. But when I first started taking them, yes, I would get very nauseous at the same time every single day. But now, they don't even phase me. I put all my pills in my purse and when I get to work every morning I take them. You're supposed to take the "pill" at the same time everyday. I always go to bed at different times and sometimes we go out at night so it is easier for me to take them in the mornings. I'm just don't want my Centrum counteracting my birth control pills so I really want to take it at a different time during the day.
"To whom much is given, much is expected." ~Luke 12:48
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