Mother's House Broken Into
While my mother was camping her house was broken into. She came home to a mess. Ricky and I went in to help get it back into some order but it's going to take more work.
She had money, jewelry, and checks stolen. They turned the porch light bulb off so they could break in the back door although there is no sign of forced entry. She did have to unlock the back door to get in and then she immediately called my brother and then had to unlock the front door for him.
They went through all her drawers, cabinets and closets.
Found out from the cops that there is a convicted felon that lives down the street. He was in prison for breaking and entering. I guess he hangs around with a gang at the other end of the street. Now I am worried about my mom staying by herself.
To every thing there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven. ECCLESIASTES 3:1