Thanks for the support and kind comments ladies.
Sandy, I think I'd just stick to what I know and love. It's hard enough striving to be a Knowledgeable resource for 2 breeds (used in hybrids) I'm thinking it would be better not to bring more confusion into the mix. I'd rather focus on doing this little niche very well than to range out into others and do both marginally.
I could have 3 more litters in the next few months without ever buying another dog... if the market for them is still good at that time, I might look to add one or 2. If I did that I'd likely hire someone part time to do the cleaning and heavy work while I focus on the sales, marketing, and dogs themselves.
'A simple way to take measure of a country is to look at how many want in.. And how many want out.'
England 's Prime Minister Tony Blair'