Thread: Good News...
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Old 10-14-2008, 12:12 PM   #1
Donating 4WT Yakker
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Good News...

Hi everyone. I just wanted to share. Today, my son Nick came home with a letter from the school saying that he was selected by John Hopkins University to take his SAT's in January. He's only just 12 yrs. old. They based his selection on the fact that he scored in at least the 95th percentile country wide on the state tests given every years. The school has paid for all costs involved for him to participate in this (John Hopkins University Talented Youth Search). The councelor said told him that what that means is that colleges are already looking for him and that once he takes the SAT's that top colleges will follow his achievements from now through high school. We are really proud of him. Not many know his story or our story but my two sons were both adopted as infants and Nicholas came to us at almost a year old very very sick. At the age of 4 he was diagnosed autistic. He worked very very hard to overcome all his disabilities. He's now just 12 yrs. old and through all his hard work he's achieved his black belt in karate, is the starting catcher for an invitational United States Amature Baseball League. They played Coopertown NY and they will be doing tournaments in Myrtle Beach as well as Ripken Stadium in Maryland. He's also in a gifted Jazz band as well as gifted academic classes including advanced Algebra in 7th grade. I can't tell you how happy we are for him. Thanks for reading. Elaine
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