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Old 11-09-2008, 06:32 PM   #1
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Pretty nice weekend!

I survived my family visitors. This is an update on my weekend re: husband's sisters who came to celebrate his 60th birthday.

They came on Friday afternoon and we sat around and visited for a while and then went to eat at our favorite Mexican restaurant. The food was great and they loved it. Then we came home and had birthday cake (Italian Creme cake). My daughter had made it and it is my hubby's favorite.

On Saturday we went to my daughters for breakfast. She had sausage/egg casserole, bacon, sweet rolls, and fruit salad. It was really good!!! The sisters wanted to go to the outlet mall, so they went by themselves and said they had a great time. Then they came back to our house and we talked till it was time to go out to the Oasis restaurant on the lake. I've included a couple of pictures. It is a huge 3-story restaurant on the lake just outside of the city. It has a seating capacity of 2000 It is called the "sunset capital of Texas" The sunset is spectacular!!

After the Oasis, we stopped at a couple of shops and did a little shopping on the way home and i bought my granddaughter a pair of black suede knee boots - she looked so cute in them.

After that we toured around Austin (after dark) a bit and showed them some of the night life.

Today we went out to eat at our favorite little "hole in the wall" Mexican restaurant for breakfast. Then the sisters went to downtown Austin and did some more sightseeing on their own. I left at that time to take myself, my mom and my granddaughter to the first women's college basketball game of the season (we won - YAY!).

Last, Gary's sisters came back, picked him up and took him back to the favorite Mexican restaurant that we went to on Friday. They had to have one more round of chile rellenos!!!

It sounds like all we did was EAT - and that is pretty much true, but hubby had a great time talking and laughing with his sisters! It was a nice weekend!

The first picture is looking down on one of the MANY decks at the Oasis
The second picture is the view from those decks
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